The Hawthorn Bowl
Our fourth seasonal design celebrates the abundant berries of the Hawthorn.
The deep red colour, hums in the hedgerows as the Hawthorn, laden with ripe Haw’s, are now bare of leaves.
Birds love Hawthorn; its dense cover offers protection and food for blackbirds, thrushes and fieldfares among others.
The flowers and leaves have many uses as do the berries for hedgerow jellies, wines and herbal medicine, which includes treating heart problems and are imbued throughout with Faery magic.
The colour of the glass used in making this bowl is rare and we have waited many years, testing various melts, to find a melt that gives a consistently warmer, deeper red, reminiscent of a tree laden with Haw.
This bowl is a deep transparent red with a transparent red lip wrap.
Made to order, hand blown, hand engraved glass, signed, dated and numbered.
All orders will be with you in good time for this Christmas.
For all orders:-
Last UK Post 20th December
Last USA Post 13th December
Last European Post 16th December
Last Australia & New Zealand 6th December