The Dag Rose - Limited Edition Blown Glass Bowl
The ‘Dag’ Rose
Our third design of 2017 is a soft pink bowl with a warm orange lip wrap.
It’s been a good year for all roses.
Rosa Canina heralds the arrival of high summer with a generous show of beautiful, delicate pink flowers with sunshine orange stamens.
This wildflower is the origin of the stylised rose of medieval heraldry and in folklore is said to symbolise both pleasure and pain. It’s those thorns: the ‘daggers’ from which the ‘dag’ rose took its name, and over time has become more commonly known as the ‘dog’ rose.
When we’re out walking in Rosedale I particularly miss this flower and the obvious passing of summer as we move through the year. The flowers are now setting as rose hips.
We hope this bowl is a gentle reminder of the warmth, light and bounty of summer.