Dandelion Bowl
The signature of spring, the sunny yellow bloom of the dandelion is our second seasonal design of 2022.
Dismissed by some as a weed, this perennial plant is an important and early source of nectar and pollen for pollinators.
The name derives from the French “dent de lion” meaning lions tooth, although the modern French tag is less romantic - ‘pissenlit' literally means ‘wet the bed’... the plant has strong diuretic properties.
In the UK dandelion are rarely used in the kitchen, they were considered delicacies by the Victorian gentry; the entire plant, including the leaves, stems, flowers, and roots, is edible and they are a source of vitamins and minerals. With other ingredients, the petals can also be used to make dandelion wine and many of us will be familiar with dandelion and burdock.
In folklore and early medicine the plant was a tonic for our liver and pancreas, as well as being a blood purifier.
The Complete Language of Flowers describes their symbolic meaning as: coquetry, faithfulness, happiness, prosperity, wishes: and wishing for love.
I just love the constellations of blooms that cover the grass verges.